Everything that we desire in life had been provided and made available to us by God, but availability does not equate to access or possession. Many are very close to their breakthroughs and miracles in life but proximity does not equate to access or possession either. What they are missing is the vital key to gain access and step into their desired reality.

There is faith that can move mountains, and there are molehills that require much more than faith to be moved. You may wonder, how can faith move a mountain and yet be grossly insufficient to move a molehill? Because you can have faith in error. Faith based on a false premise or misinformation always proves demonstrably wrong and ineffective. Your faith is only effective when it is based on accurate information or the Truth. If your faith is based on misinformation, your life will be devoid of your desired results. Desired results and/or outcomes are derivatives of authentic faith based on correct information.

To rise in this life you need a high level of knowledge and insights. If your desired results are lacking in your life, it means that you may have knowledge and insight but not to the degree to command and deliver the results that you desire. To rise and exercise dominion, we need deep enough knowledge about God. We need deep enough knowledge about the ways and principles of God that makes for spiritual and physical prosperity in life. We need deep enough knowledge about how to correctly apply those principles. We need deep enough knowledge about how to maintain, sustain, replicate, amplify and perfect the success we achieved by applying those principles. It is true that we know somethings. But it is also true that all we know may not hold the keys that are required to elevate us to our next level of success.

Take for instance, if you desire to buy a commodity of $1000, but you only have $750, you have money quite alright but not to the degree (value) that can deliver to you the results (commodity) you desire. Having knowledge is not enough. Three-quarter of knowledge is not enough. You must upgrade your knowledge to a degree that can consistently deliver the result you desire.
The knowledge that commands and delivers results is knowledge that creates in you a dissatisfaction with mediocre or baseline information; and an insatiable hunger to learn, know and understand more. The bible says that "if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know". 1 Corinthians 8:2 NKJV.
Are you passionate about knowing the areas of ignorance in your life? It will surprise you that there is so much that you do not know.

The enemy's weapon of choice is disinformation to promote darkness, ignorance, and error about God and the principles of God that makes for success in life. The disinformation darkens our understanding, creating fear, doubt and anxiety. If left unchecked, the assault will continue until the very foundation of your christian faith becomes greatly compromised, and you begin to question your convictions about God and the integrity of His word. And if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3 NKJV.

The bible says that "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children". Hosea 4:6 NKJV.

What you don't know will hurt you. What you don't know will deny you access to certain levels of grace, authority, and dominion in Christ. What you don't know will deny you access to life-changing opportunities, and to people of influence, affluence and means. What you don't know will deprive you of the joy, happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment that comes from achieving uncommon results, and accomplishing your goals and objectives. What you don't know will stymie your productivity. What you don't know will hinder your ability to rise to the pinnacle of sustainable and repeatable breakthrough success. What you don't know will cause you great emotional pain and distress, cost you relationships, and adversely affect your mental health. What you don't know will keep you in the prison of obscurity and irrelevance. What you don't know may be responsible for your present suffering, pain and discomfort. What you don't know may ultimately destroy you.

Knowledge has the power to rescue and deliver you from all the aforementioned. The bible says that ....With their words, the godless destroy their friends, but knowledge will rescue (deliver) the righteous. Proverbs 11:9 NLT. In other words, there are kinds of affliction that can only be cured, not by prayer and fasting, but by knowledge. Knowledge is a very powerful and efficacious tool for deliverance. Knowledge is the most reliable vehicle for rescue operations from the camp and tortures of ignorance.
Don't get me wrong! Prayer and fasting are great and relevant, but dissipating energy in prayer and fasting are not substitutes for knowledge. You must sustain the discipline and commitment to sit down, study and learn. You must expand the scope and horizon of your mind. You must build and enlarge your intellectual capacity to magnify your value proposition. You must be faithful and diligent in obscurity to amplify your visibility and fame. No one ever achieved greatness, influence, or prominence in abject ignorance. Let's be clear, there is a fundamental difference between illiteracy and ignorance. Illiteracy is not the absence of knowledge but the inability to read and write. You can be illiterate but yet very knowledgeable. And you can have knowledge and yet be very ignorant. The usefulness and applicability of the information you have within a context to achieve the desired result are consequential differentiators between the two.

Ignorance is darkness and knowledge is light. The strength of the light that you have determines the propensity, intensity, and reach of your Illumination. For as long as it is nighttime in your life weeping endures. The bible says that "For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning." Psalms 30:5 NKJV. You can accelerate the arrival of your morning by acquiring deep enough knowledge. Acquire light and strengthen its wattage and intensity until it is sufficient to turn your night into day.

We rise in the kingdom of God by light. We rise in our careers by light. We rise in our relationships by light. We rise in our health by light. We rise in our businesses by light. We rise in our finances by light. We rise in every aspect of life by light. Not by desire. Not by wishful thinking. And certainly not by ignorance or darkness. The difference between the sun and the moon is the intensity of the light they both emit. The sun rules the day and the moon rules the night. Both the sun and the moon are stars. Both the sun and the moon emit light. Both are suspended in the sky above. But the sun is so much bigger and larger than the moon. The propensity, intensity, and reach of the light of the sun demand that the sun sustain the capacity to host the elements that are responsible for its light. That is what informs the huge size of the sun. The sun is the biggest star in the sky because that is the capacity required to be the single source of daylight to mankind and all the nations of the earth.

We all arise in the morning and go about our normal businesses because the sun arrived with its light. You only arise and shine when your light comes. You only arise from your obscurity and are celebrated when your light comes. You only arise from irrelevance when your light comes. It is light that gives you visibility without which no one would see you, appreciate you, nor celebrate you. It is in the presence of light that you shine your brightest. It is the level of the accuracy of your alignment and conformity with light that differentiates you from all the other stars around. And the most amazing thing is that you have the prerogative to control your own light. It is entirely discretionary, at the command of your will, discipline, and commitment. Your light is a choice...whose choice? YOURS.

The level of access to the information you have in an organization is commensurate with the level of authority, rank, or office you hold in that organization. Every organization grants you access to information that is enough for you to perform your duties and be successful in your role. The more access to information you have, the more powerful you are in that organization. Legitimate access to classified information equals access to knowledge, power, and privilege. When there is a cybersecurity breach or incident in an organization, the target of the malicious actors or cybercriminals is always the repository of information in that organization. They either steal the information or lock it with an encryption key, denying that organization access to its own information, and resulting in the grounding of most operation.

The most devastating impact of certain diseases such as Alzheimer is what it does to the memory - the repository of information in humans. As the disease progresses, the patient's information bank is deleted until the patient's ability to remember is severely impaired that he/she can no longer recognize their own family members, or remember how to perform basic activities of daily living. The disease basically reduces the mind of a renowned professor to that of a little child and even worse.
We are what we are because of the usefulness and relevance of the information we can still access, process, and appropriate. The depth of that information equates to the degree of our knowledge. Let us therefore be thankful to Almighty God that we still have the blessing to not only access, process and appropriate the information we acquired over the years, but that we still have the ability to increase and expand that information base to amplify our impact for the good of our fellow men and our communities. Let us make a concious effort to rid ourselves of ignorance, especially that of the cancer of willful ignorance and invest in ourselves by following the advice of the wisest man that ever lived - "Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding". Proverbs 23:23 NKJV
Stay uplifted in Christ and live cheerfully every day.
Leader Chinedu Nicholas Obodo for EXOLOM Fellowship, Maryland USA.
Find us at Exolom.com, @exolomofficial
"To rise in this life you need a high level of knowledge and insights. If your desired results are lacking in your life, it means that you may have knowledge and insight but not to the degree to command and deliver the results that you desire". Unlike Pontius Pilate ignorantly asked Jesus Christ "what is truth?" I would not falsely claim vast knowledge about God but appreciate my conscious strive to know the deep things of God every single day. With the first quote of my writing, I am inquisitive to ask where then does grace come to play? Sometimes while studying and meditating in the word of God, the story of Job flashes through my head and I asked…
This is great... a very confident reminder of what it takes to be ... to be the best of what you are and can be... I read and read and it's as if I am getting my batteries charged... like I have been loosing some light and this came to remind me how to keep that fire burning... knowledge is indeed power and it cuts across every aspect of our lives... the ultimate knowledge being the means and methods of our creator. I so needed to read this right now and I am so grateful for to God for letting me click that link... Thank you Lord.
Well articulated massage knowledge is power
In those days in primary school, many of the official motto of children's school were boldly written 'knowledge is power' In their sign boards. Today's message caused me to reminisce retrospectively on that well-crafted ancient miniscule write-up.
I totally agree with every bit of the writers opinion. Ignorance is a disease which has not been added to world health organisation's (WHO) catalogue of disease nomenclature! Why I say so is: just as diseased organs, tissues and cells, limit the infirmed from far reaching tasks, so also ignorance prevents individuals from succeeding in most spheres of life.
But the good news is that ignorance is not cancer! except when it has gotten to the level a Port Harcourt singer obviously…